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Endodontic Treatments in Greer

Root Canal Treatment

Greer Dental Studio provides endodontic treatments in Greer, SC. To schedule an appointment, please call our office at 864-259-2590.

What Is Endodontics?

Endodontics refers to treating conditions of the pulp inside the crown and root of the tooth. When this pulp becomes inflamed due to tooth breakage, infection, decay, or trauma, it can cause the patient severe discomfort/pain. The dentist must treat it before the problem can escalate.

Benefits of Endodontics

Root Canals

Today, a root canal is a straightforward procedure that causes no more discomfort than receiving a filling. A root canal begins by opening the tooth's crown to remove the infected pulp. The dentist uses specialized files to reach the narrow root canals and remove the infected pulp tissue. They use the files to clean and reshape the inside of the canals to make a future infection less likely to occur.

In some cases, the dentist may need to start the patient on an oral antibiotic before proceeding. We can complete most root canals in one visit.

After the root canal, the dentist fills the tooth with a plastic material called gutta-percha and seals it against saliva, food, and other contaminants. They then place a permanent crown to complete the restoration.

Endodontic Retreatment

Occasionally, a tooth with a past root canal will become infected again. The dentist reopens the tooth, cleans the canals, and reseals it.

Why Choose Greer Dental Studio?

Our dentist expertly performs root canals, helping you save your tooth and relieve your pain. We use updated methods and technology to ensure the best outcomes. We have created a friendly, modern office environment where all family members are welcome.

Procedures Offered

Relieves Pain and Sensitivity

Pulp infections cause severe pain when chewing or putting pressure on the tooth. A root canal or endodontic retreatment can instantly relieve this pain and the sensitivity that results when the pulp is exposed.

Prevents Infections from Spreading

If you leave a tooth that needs a root canal alone, the infection inside may spread to the bone and associated sturctures. This problem could lead to more costly dental work and possible tooth loss.

Saves Natural Teeth

Root canals and endodontic retreatment can save natural teeth. Rather than extracting an infected tooth, the dentist removes the source of the infection and stabilizes the tooth. The dentist then places a permanent crown to protect the tooth for many years.

Frequently Asked Questions About Endodontic Treatments

Does a root canal hurt?
Root canals are comfortable procedures. The idea that root canals are painful comes from decades past. The dentist uses appropriate local anesthesia. You may feel minor discomfort after the root canal, but you can manage this easily.
What are the signs that I might need a root canal?
  • Pain when chewing
  • Extreme sensitivity to heat and cold
  • Swelling on the gum line
  • Pus extruding from the gum 
  • X-ray indication if you have no other symptoms
What happens if I put off a root canal?
If you wait too long to get a root canal, your tooth could incur more damage to the point where a crown cannot save it, and the dentist must extract it. The infection could also spread to adjacent teeth and associated structures.

Call Greer Dental Studio

Root canals are safe, routine procedures that relieve pain and save teeth. Don't wait to treat your tooth with a root canal, or it could cause severe problems later on. Call our office at 864-259-2590 to schedule an evaluation.

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

455 S. Buncombe Rd. Greer, SC 29650
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