Is Sedation Dentistry Safe for Children?

A visit to the dentist can be a frightening and overwhelming experience, especially for young children. However, the good news is that sedation dentistry is an option to help reduce discomfort and anxiety during dental procedures, even in pediatric patients.. Despite its many benefits, myths surrounding pediatric sedation dentistry prevent parents from considering it as an option. If you are wondering if sedation dentistry is safe for children, read on.
What is Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation dentistry is technically a medical option used to assist patients, especially younger children, in feeling comfortable and relaxed during various dental procedures. It typically relies on certain medications that help patients stay calm and be still while having dental treatments.
Many different types of sedation dentistry exist, including nitrous oxide (commonly called laughing gas), oral sedation, and intravenous sedation. Nitrous oxide is usually a popular option for mild anxiety. In contrast, oral or intravenous (IV) sedation is used for longer or more complicated dental treatments or patients with severe anxiety.
Safety and Pediatric Dental Sedation
Unfortunately, many parents and caregivers have hesitations regarding sedation dentistry for their children because they think it is dangerous. However, even pediatric sedation dentistry is actually relatively safe when provided and overseen by an experienced and qualified medical professional.
Pediatric dentistry sedatives are carefully selected and monitored to ensure that they are safe for use on children of all ages. In addition, the dosages given depend on the specific age and weight of your child, so they only receive an appropriate, safe amount.
Rest assured, prior to sedation taking place, the dental provider will take a thorough medical history to ensure there are no underlying health conditions or allergies that could pose a risk during sedation or dental treatment.
You should note that even still, some side effects, such as dizziness or nausea, may arise after the procedure. Fortunately, these symptoms typically go away quickly and don’t pose any continued risks to your child’s health.
With appropriate monitoring and care from trained dental and medical professionals, pediatric sedation dentistry can be safely used on children without significant risks or harm.
Frequently Asked Questions about Children’s Dentistry
Are Baby Teeth Really Important for Children?
Yes, primary, also known as "baby," teeth are important to children for several reasons. Not only do they help children speak clearly and chew naturally, but they also help in creating a path that permanent teeth will follow when they are ready to come in. It’s imperative to care for baby teeth, just as you would permanent teeth.
How Should You Clean Your Baby's Teeth?
Once your baby has teeth, use a toothbrush to remove plaque and bacteria that can lead to decay. Be sure to choose a soft-bristled toothbrush with a small head, preferably one designed specifically for infants. Brush your baby’s teeth at least once a day before bed.
Schedule a Pediatric Dentistry Consultation Today
Your child’s journey to excellent dental health begins with a consultation at Greer Dental Studio. We will evaluate your child’s overall dental health and teeth. Whenever it may be helpful or necessary, we will offer dental sedation for our pediatric dental procedures.
Call 864-259-2590 or contact us today to learn more and schedule your child’s appointment.